Thursday, 11 December 2014

Earn Your Leadership MBA within a Year

Leadership MBA

Executives seem to have it all together, as I witnessed them come into the large retail chain I worked in, a few years ago. I would watch the executives walk into the store all dressed in designer suits, with matching ties, and polished shoes. I spent several years with the retail establishment at a level of mid management and I soon believed the day of my being able to obtain my leadership MBA, had passed.

While working at the retail chain, one of the executives approached me to discuss the possibility of a promotion, as I listened to his proposal for a job promotion, he asked, if I would like to pursue a college degree in leadership in the area of a master of business administration degree. I told him, that I would have to work to support my family, and I wouldn't have the time to invest in my education.

He explained, in further detail about a program offered at the University of Tennessee that offered a comprehensive learning program that is completed in one year. After listening for a while, I realized that he had earned his leadership MBA, within a year at the University of Tennessee.  I decided to enroll in the University of Tennessee and begin my future in a leadership position, from that moment on.

I enrolled in the executive MBA for the strategic leadership program at the University of Tennessee, and the classes were taught by instructors who are knowledgeable of both technical and practical skills needed for leadership in today's fast paced industry.

Leadership MBA
Course Work included an opportunity to access my leadership style, and offered several enhancements to the curriculum such as, a leadership development coach that offered assistance to help the students succeed in their business environment. With the comprehensive training I received in addition to the studies, I was able to successfully obtain a promotion that offered me three times the salary I was receiving at a level of mid management.

The University of Tennessee, offered the necessary skills, I would need in order to go out into the world and be an effective leader in any area of business. My career began when I became envious of an executive assuming that I would never be able to go to school and obtain my leadership MBA like him. Now I am the executive who walks into the retail chains many locations dressed in the designer suits, and neck ties, as well as the fresh polished shoes.

When I have the opportunity to encourage others to obtain their executive degrees, I am reminded of my envy many years ago of an executive that saw potential in me, while offering the best advice I had ever received. That advice is to earn a leadership MBA within a year at the University of Tennessee.

The University of Tennessee offers the Leadership MBA in an accelerated learning pace to assist those who have to work and attend school. Programs offered at the University include a variety of degree fields, and the opportunity to finish the program within a year may not be available for all degree programs.

Source: Click Here

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